Monday, August 27, 2012

consider the lilies

i recently read in the scriptures this line :   for, consider the lilies…
i loved it.

its in D&C 82.  I continued reading the chapter.  
"take ye no thought for the morrow…therefore, let the morrow take thought for the things of itself."

i dont always interpret the scriptures, perhaps, as they were meant or in the context they were written.   it is interesting to see how the words in these ancient scriptures can teach you something completely personal and applicable to you. today.

for, consider the lilies.
i thought about the little details that i love to see and ponder on.  
taking a moment to reflect. to consider.
to see beautiful.
to see things that are above and below my eye level.
to see Gods love for me and for all his children.

thinking about this scripture, i felt impressed to worry less. to leave tomorrow to worry about tomorrow—and to enjoy the now.  today.

i woke up to lucy texting me- "just get through today".
i can do that. 
i can consider the lilies.
the blessings and things that bring me joy.

i wish to no longer take lightly the things which i have received.
to seek diligently after becoming better.  fulfilling my covenants.
and getting stronger.
this life is good.

i sat on a plane last night.
traveling alone. quietly. is my favorite.
i love the music in my ears and excited people moving around me.
the change of locations. 

i laid my head back in my seat.
i was reading 7 habits of highly effective families.
i closed my eyes and imagined my future family.
i wondered why i wasnt married.
the baby in the seat next to me played peek a boo with me and giggled.
i thought about how short this time on earth really is in the span of eternity.
i thought about how 25 years were already gone. and so much has happened.  i thought: i could still have so much more time. 
i thought how i wish for that one person to share and create life with. 
i thought how the purpose of this time on earth is ultimately to become better.
to strive for perfection, to change weaknesses to strengths, to learn and grow, to master oneself
i wrote down:  marriage helps us reach our potential.  it teaches us about our weaknesses and helps us to improve.  it helps us to become the people that God needs us to be.

and i believe it.

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