Wednesday, July 28, 2010

thats my life

of course he doesn't read my blog.
so he doesn't know how crummy it is to post that when i picked him up from the airport, he says "i don't feel for you the way you feel for me"

he's right next to me
"your hearts a million miles away"

the next day looked like this

and that is how i felt

everyone is sorry and i know all the advice and i know i will live
but once in a while i think i wont

i think i wouldnt mind if someone t boned my drivers side
as i ran i thought i dont even care if someone jumps out of a bush and attacks me
i think i just paid 20 bucks to have my car washed then it looks like there will be thunderstorms
my heart hurt
so i drove straight for the darkest part.
i stopped half way up a hill to stand on a rock and i cried
i sang a pretty song back in the car and sat at the top
i laid in the rain and tried to breathe
a deer hopped by
the clouds flew by
i took some photos and sat there for hours

nothing needs to be said
my girl friend brought me godiva cheesecake—things are already looking up

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