Thursday, June 30, 2011

all things change like the wind

my sister is ultra beautiful

life has been BANANAS
more like my mind has been bananas
but [finally] all the sudden-this afternoon-things became simpler
like a light switched on and i knew everything will be ok

you see
i am currently living out of my car. homeless by definition.
but thats ok. it will be worth it.

" We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, jut as a meal does for the body… We become our own worst enemy. We say that our dreams are childish, or too difficult to realize, or the result of our not having known enough about life. We kill our dreams because we are afraid to fight the good fight."

i thoroughly believe this. and i believe it is what keeps me passionate and alive. moving. going places.
this book is absolutely wonderful. you should likely read it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the good fight

"Changing the way you do routine things allows a new person to grow inside of you." -the pilgrimmage

i woke up excited for change.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

happy tuesday. tuesdays are always productive days.

when i was young i had a desk in my room.
i thought it was uncomfortable to sit at
but i decided i needed to write a "chapter book" anyway.
this would make me a real writer. a real challenge.
i think i must have been in the 6th grade--the time when i realized how much i love to write.
so i sat up tall on my desk stool and stared at the wall and scribbled until my hand hurt and crumpled up pieces of paper and threw them over my shoulder, like a real writer would right?
i was so very professional in filling my role.
and i was so very proud of the work i was creating.

i just wish i could remember what the book was about.
for some reason i think it was about indians but i have no idea why i would have written about them. i don't know what i did with the book or where it went.
but it would sure be great to read it today.

Monday, June 20, 2011

the new millennium

" It is essential we recognize that when we desire things for no real reason beyond the enjoyment they give us, ultimately they tend to bring us more problems."

from the next book i want to read. so good.

i'm so excited to be going home this weekend. i've been dreaming of my family again.
every night.
i've been sleeping like a bear.
it's wonderful.
as i have been packing to move (just to provo) i've learned two things:
1. i have a really hard time throwing cards away (gma sends me at least 2 a month)
2. if you haven't worn it in the past year- throw it away (no don't justify it, just close your eyes and throw it away)

love you's
i have errands to run and miles to run

Sunday, June 19, 2011

won't stop

i love this song
and not just because its gorgeous
but because i love the passion and love these guys are feeling
when their whole soul is feeling it
and it makes your blood stir

you get it right? this is what life's about
well this and maybe a couple other things

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The Arctic Light from TSO Photography on Vimeo.

TSO photography. this is incredible. i tear up every time (surprised?)
The Mountain is my favorite. the song is wonderful. this world is breathtaking. seriously breathtaking.

and have you bought the Planet Earth dvd's yet?? my heavens, it's the most lovely of things. so relaxing and interesting and entertaining. go buy em quick!

i just recently realized how visually stimulated i am. i get so much joy out of pretty things. and not in a materialistic manner just the visual details of life. i sound nuts. i can't fully describe it.
I am so thankful for a God who does get it. who created insanely beautiful things to make us smile and fill us.

im so lucky to be able to see.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

hello there

the Manti LDS temple

definitely the most stunning and breathtaking temple I have ever had the blessing of visiting.
i cried it was so beautiful.
i also cried for about 15 other lovely reasons this weekend.
life is so great.

life lesson no. 43
"my sister tells her husband how great he is at listening, getting things done promptly, making her happy, etc. and because she believes in him and positively encourages him—he feels the need to live up to that expectation and standard, and he really does." —young lady at church

this is brilliant people.
try it. serious. it works.

when i was little mom told me that i was the best, of all the children, at vacuuming. i had never noticed. but since she told me i was so good at it, i was eager to do it often and to really notice what a good job i did. forever more, i have loved vacuuming. pretty much this is trick psychology, but fortunately(/unfortunately?) it works!

sometimes i catch joshua telling me how much he loves something about me and i give him a sideways look… are you using reverse psych on me again?? either way, it entices me to really live up to that belief.

oh the pretty things a lil positivity can do!
happy sunday! i'm off to a pot luck & games with team awesome!
twice baked potatoes?! yes please!

my tall glass of water.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

i've got a gypsy soul to blame

i love this girl.
we live a state apart but i could probably guess what she is thinking at any given moment.

i've always wanted to travel. it's my dreamy mind.
my current read (the pilgimage by paulo coelho) doesn't help these fantasies
so be it.
i love it.
and i love the amazing ways my life has been shaped. all the details. the smells. the people.
i love my satchel purse and my yellow shirts and all the stripped things i am drawn to lately.
i love the time by the pool and the long phone calls.
i love the feel of my down pillow and clean feet at the end of my bed.
i love the warmth at night here, my hair in a pony, and long runs.
i love being so close to so many temples and eating fruit.
i never want to stop my dreaming, my loving of life. i don't know that there is not much that could stop me.
oh the adventures to be had!
oakland LDS temple

"I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on the earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." — Joseph Smith

what power his testimony holds of the scriptures. even just opening my bible or book of mormon fills me with warmth and closeness to the Lord. I recently looked at my first, little blue, book of mormon that was given to me by my missionary. the book changed me. it helped me to change my life. it helped me to learn who God is, what I mean to him, and how to be happy in life.

there is nothing more precious to me. and there is nothing more heartfelt than to feel his love and guidance personally. it begins with opening those bindings.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

just to humble ya

we're pretty seriously blessed. life is so good people.
my boy comes home tomorrow. and i can't WAIT
i couldnt sleep last night and i likely will be on an ancy high for the next 48 hours.

i can't even begin to describe how utterly amazed/happy i am with the changes FAFSA made to their website. bahahaha. it was just so easy this year. high five to people beginning to use their minds!

i'm going to go running, hike, lay by the pool, work on my website, run errands, and work today.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

salt water

we blog. he likes numbers. i like pictures.ya wanna know why it's gunna work?

if you guessed ...
A. Cause he's stinkin romantic with that fire goin
B. Cause he looks like an ace in church clothes
C. Cause he's a darn good kisser
D. Cause he's a mac lover

then you're winning the nobel peace prize dear friend.
how did i ever get so lucky?

yes, we live near salt lake but i'm dying for real salt water.
we will be going to the sea very soon. and i can't wait for fish in seattle.
i'm currently churning salt water taffy in my mouth. it's an exhausting chore really.
i got burnt at the pool today.
i read a little from my novel on swords and adventures to remote countries.
i washed my bedding too.

some times i feel like i can not keep up. this weekend has been like that. there's too much to do, too many people to call/keep in contact with, too many ideas/projects, too many miles to run. i just can't do everything. so i'm prioritizing and mixing it up. and attempting to maintain sanity.

happy birthday this past weekend to my lovely mum!! reasons why i really love my mother:
-she makes me my favorite dinner (and all the rest of her mad cooking abilities!! i like to challenge people to "my mom versus your mom" cookoff's regularly)
-for all of her time/energy/money/ and love spent on my soccer career
-cause she allowed me to become exactly who i want to be
-for all the endless phone calls and listening to me
-she's pretty with no make up
-she has always been my number one fan and supporter
- cause she is the most selfless woman i know
-because she taught me to believe in myself
-for enduring my awful teen years
-she always kept a clean home
-she tells me the truth (even if its brutal)
-for braiding my hair and curling it for every dance as a kid
-her laugh
-cause she eats healthy
-cause she passed her pretty italian skin onto me
-for spending a lot of money on my braces
love you mom!

p.s. mum, my 2 loafs of banana bread with no crisco sub applesauce turned out awfully bland. i'll be eating it anyway.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

little moments

my belly has been hurting and my mind has been busy.
but i know that i am so very blessed. despite the long day of slewing breadsticks ahead of me—i'm so very happy.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

those who have gone

monday was a dreary day.

cut 'em and my boy will bleed red white n blue

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

lets go to barcelona

one of my favorite guerilla artists. banksy. he's too is a genius. his work is amazing, humorous, innovative, and out spoken. i realized i kind of love artists that say things people don't want to say. love it.